cooking tips
By no means am I an expert in the kitchen. I have to make an effort to share this with folks who I refer to our website all the time with the hope of you reading something that encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and cook our lamb with success. Disclaimers:
My style could be called "Quick, we need to think of something to feed the people in this house!" (We are outnumbered by a bunch of awesome, hungry teenagers).
I love my instant pot more than I love my slow cooker because the latter requires a great deal more planning ahead. I do not have an air fryer or smoker - if that is your realm of expertise then yes, I accept your dinner invitation and sure, I'll bring the meat.
Our goal is made-from-scratch and raised/produced/harvested by our own hand and land as much as we are able. It is a satisfying labour.
I keep a well-stocked pantry with simple ingredients.
Basically, if I can do it - so can you! Start with quality ingredients, know your end goal, and you can have success. Making lamb easy to prepare is one of our core purposes. I'm almost always a text or email away to help cheer you on and share any tips!
Gettin' Saucy - simple sauce ideas that compliment lamb
Cooking Shishliki - a must read if you are new to trying shishliki
Lamb Ribs - quick and easy!
Maple & Cider Shoulder Steaks - this post is all about thinking outside the box
4-Bone Racks - a good spice blend and nothing else - so easy and flavourful
Over time, I'll keep adding to this list! One of my favourite resources for inspiration can be found here - it's worth bookmarking because you can search by cut and type of dish.
I hope that helps and inspires you to be adventurous in your kitchen!