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Red Barn Family Farm

What's New?

Hello, reader! A welcome to new subscribers and those stopping by. We're glad you found us! Here's a quick rundown of what has been going on...

On the farm: It's still pretty wintery out there. It's been brutally cold and we are thankful for the recent break in extreme temps. We have a ri-dic-u-lous amount of snow; enough to make leaving the farm a challenge as sometimes the mountains of snow drift over the roads making them impassable, even with four wheel drive. Opening gates is very labour intensive (who knew?) and starting a tractor requires a lot of prayer and ether. Are we glad we delayed lambing by 10 days this year? YES. The flock has faired well all things considered, so we are very glad for that.

winter Saskatchewan sheep farming
One of our main grids buried again under a 4'-6' drift.

On the road: We have been putting lamb in a few new places. Regina - finally, we are excited to have our lamb accessible to you! For years, we have hauled loads to private customers (more than any other community - thank you!), but it has been a tougher go to find the right fit for retailers. Farmer John's is a brand new enterprise at Emerald Park, just east of the city. A common friend brought us to Audra and she has a fantastic understanding of the locally produced food scene. We have also jumped on board with Regina Farmer's Market. They have an online store during the winter, and our freezer in their storehouse is stocked! Our full product line is available to order online for drive-thru pickup or delivery. Once we are through lambing, we are planning and hoping to make in-person markets on Saturdays (which is kinda fun for me because I used to work downtown Regina and would wander through whenever I could).

On the web: We were hanging on to this little secret for a good many weeks... a journalist from the Western Producer asked if he could come do a piece on us (as he was coming from Manitoba to follow the famous Boston Cream trail at our local Wadena Bakery). When these things happen, my immediate answer is always "Of course!" followed by Dale's much more hesitant yes. In the end, Robert did a pretty good mashup of our story, given that we were strangers sharing donuts at the kitchen table for a very limited time. We've had a lot of positive feedback, and genuinely love connecting with people, whether it's about our products, outside-the-box thinking, or just really good interesting conversation. If you missed it, here you go:

Until next time!

- Charlotte



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