1 kg tubs of unpasteurized, raw natural honey.
We started with bees a few years ago. Some extended family members were keeping bees at the time, which captured our interest and then we traded some feed with a friend for a couple hives to try it out. The bees were fascinating to us, and so we have continued with them. In particular, our teenage son Blake is keen to work with the bees.
Honey, collected by thousands and thousands of buzzzzy bees sourcing nectar from our crop and hayfields.
When you get your tubs of honey, it might seem rock hard. It has crystallized, and that has everything to do with the sugar content and what the bees ate. If you want to make usable liquid honey that you don't bend a spoon in, place the tub in crockpot on LOW and fill with water so it 3/4 (ish) up the container. Do NOT put a lid on the slow cooker (important). A couple hours in a water bath and you will have runny-honey again!